Reasonable: Part 1–The Pattern of this World

Also, do not continue to conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you test and approve what is the will of God—what is good, pleasing, and perfect. (Romans 12:2 EHV)


This is my second favorite verse in the entire Bible (I’ll get to the most favorite one a little later), because it is the essence of the Christian walk summed up in a single verse.


We were saved from sin so that we would stop sinning.  We are set apart from the world that either has no interest in Truthseeking or wants to define Truth on its own terms.


However, the life that we were saved from is the one that encompasses the habits we have developed.  The later in life that we accept Jesus as Lord, the harder it is to overcome these habits.


We can’t do this without God’s help.  We can’t change our own nature.  But we can trust in God to do it for us.  True worship is recognizing this reality and acting on it.  That is why the verse immediately before this one reads:


I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God—this is a reasonable act of worship for you. (Romans 12:1 MOUNCE)




Romans 12 begins with an exhortation to respond to God’s saving mercy by presenting our bodies, and all that we do with them, as a living sacrifice to God.  This means that we should stop doing whatever we want or whatever feels good in the moment and instead go to God for guidance about what we should do and what decisions we should make.  Approaching God in this way keeps him on the throne of our hearts, where He belongs.


Paul describes our having this posture of submission toward God as a “reasonable” act of worship, but that word in English fails to convey his full meaning.


The Greek word Paul uses here is logikos. I probably don’t even have to tell you what English word comes from that.  It means “logical” or “rational.” It can also be interpreted as “intelligent,” “true,” “appropriate,” “sensible,” “only right,” “authentic,” “fitting,” “not too much to ask,” “proper,” “genuine,” “essential,” “spiritual “ and “in line with God’s mind.”


It is only by being spiritually mindful of the fact that we are sinners, incapable of saving ourselves, and yet chosen by God for redemption when we exercise the faith that is a gift from God, that we can find ourselves in a place where true transformation can begin.  We are chosen, but we also make an informed choice.


True worship, therefore, happens where faith and logic meet.  Faith and reason are not opposites.  Indeed, they must be used together for us to do the work that God saved us to do.


God’s Part and Our Part


This is why both the active and passive voice are used in verse 2.  I know that drives English teachers and the Microsoft Word grammar checker nuts, but it’s essential here so that we can understand just how this process of offering ourselves as living sacrifices works.  Let’s break verse 2 down.


Do not continue to conform to the pattern of this world.


The implication here is that we have been conforming to the pattern of this world, which is true.  As Christians, we always need to remember where we came from.  To be set apart from the world, we had to first be a part of it.  But what is “the pattern of this world?”


The pattern is the superficial values and customs of our culture.  Throughout the ages, it has always been about keeping up appearances.  The world judges people and situations by what they can see.  Since faith involves believing, THEN seeing, it doesn’t fit the pattern.  Therefore, the pattern rejects faith.


In doing so, the people that do conform to the pattern develop standards (for lack of a better word) that are not based on faith and its outcome.  The pattern molds and shapes them into a hive mind that is opposed to anything that would challenge it.


So why is that a problem for Truthseekers?  Because there’s a good chance that a lot of our friends and family are conforming to that pattern.  Sometimes being set apart feels more like being left out.  We are tempted to compromise our faith and convictions to have a sense of belonging that we are comfortable with.


This is why God warns us that we have to do our part to resist the pattern.  But while we are doing that, God is doing this…


Be transformed by the renewal of your mind.


When we make the decision not to follow the lemmings of our culture, we open the door for God to do His transforming work in our lives.  Our minds are renewed through prayer and the study of God’s Word.


Have you noticed that the more time you spend with somebody, the more you start to become like them?  You pick up their mannerisms, their accent, maybe even some of their habits.


It works the same way with Jesus.  Religion can form habitual rituals, but a relationship with Jesus changes you from the inside out.  Once you have made the decision to follow Jesus, AND made the effort to spend time with Him in prayer and meditation, you start to see your life and the world in a different way.


But what is the purpose of this transformation?


So that you test and approve what is the will of God.


Back to our part. We choose to not follow the culture so that God can transform our minds so that we can use our own logic and reason, in accordance with our faith, to find out God’s will for our lives.


This is the process of figuring out the path that has been prepared for us.  If we try to figure it out ourselves without yielding to the Holy Spirit, it won’t work.  This is why it says in Proverbs 3:5-6 (my most favorite verse):


Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. (NASB)


(We shall expound upon this in Part 2—Our Own Understanding)
