Evidence: Part 4–Choose Joy

Although great trouble accompanied the Word, you were able to take great joy from the Holy Spirit!—taking the trouble with the joy, the joy with the trouble.
Do you know that all over the provinces of both Macedonia and Achaia believers look up to you?  The word has gotten around.  Your lives are echoing the Master’s Word, not only in the provinces but all over the place.  The news of your faith in God is out.  We don’t even have to say anything anymore—you’re the message! 
(1 Thessalonians 1:6b-8 MSG)


Something in that passage doesn’t seem quite right.  The phrases “great trouble” and “great joy” are in the same sentence.  Other translations say “severe suffering” in place of “great trouble.”  I don’t know about you, but when I think of severe suffering, I don’t feel very joyful about it.


The word “feel” is the key.  We think of joy as a feeling.  When we do that, though, we are confusing joy with happiness. Happiness is what we feel or don’t feel, but joy can be present even when happiness is nowhere to be found.


The reason for this is that happiness, like any other emotion, comes and goes, usually without any action on our part.  Joy, however, is an attitude that can be cultivated.


It helps to remember the source of joy.  The Joy of the Lord is His response to our gratitude.  Even in the midst of our trials, we can still choose to feed the habit of being thankful for everything else that’s right in our lives.  When we acknowledge God in these things, this happens:


Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down.  It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.  (Philippians 4:7 MSG)


So praying in this way doesn’t necessarily change our circumstances or make the bad stuff in our lives go away.  What it does do is change our focus.  It is empowering to know that we don’t have to be ruled by the negative feelings that bombard us from everything that’s wrong in the world.  We can actually CHOOSE joy.  Give a listen to this song, which illustrates this concept perfectly:



Sounds great.  So how do we start?

Here are some methods that I have found helpful.


One thing I have noticed that feeds depression in me more than anything else is an attitude of discontentment.  I fall into the habit of comparing myself to others or even with my own perception of where I think I ought to be in life.


My church has found an antidote to this, which they break out every year at our Thanksgiving service.  Included in the bulletin is a sheet with blanks numbered 1 to 100.  At the top, it says, “Lord, I thank you for. . .”  The first time I saw this at a Thanksgiving service, I wondered how I would ever be able to think of 100 things that I was thankful for.


Then I heard some kids next to me challenge each other to a race to see who could fill in all 100 the fastest.  My competitive nature kicked in.  I was not about to be shown up by a bunch of kids.  So I started filling in blanks with anything I could think of.  Big things, little things, serious things and silly ones.  I tried to think of any situation in my life where I had ever said, “Thank God for. . .”  Something.  Anything.  In four minutes, to my own astonishment, I had completely filled in the list.  I stuck it back in my bulletin and promptly forgot about it.

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Thanksgiving x 100

One day not long after, I was feeling particularly sorry for myself, for no good reason.  I found myself sinking into my typical emotional chasm, wondering what the point of living was, etc.  Then I remembered the list.


I took it out and read through it.  As I read each entry on my list of 100 things for which to be thankful, I found myself thinking about each one.  Obviously, I had filled it out in a rush.  Now that I stopped to really think about it, my perspective began to change.  I started to realize not just that I had a lot to be thankful for, but that the things I had written on that list were what defined me as a person—my talents, my hobbies, my passions, the people who had the great impact on me, my faith, and so many more.


This list has been rewritten several times over the years.  I carry it with me every day in my day planner.  Wherever I am, if I am having a bad day, I can just pull out my list, circle the next number, and take a few minutes to thank God for that.

Yes and Amen

Another thing I have done is to keep a list in a file on my computer of everything I know to be true about God’s promises.  I try to remember and record every answered prayer, every time when life has worked out in a way that goes far beyond coincidence, everything that can’t be explained in any other way other than “God showed up.”


This journal is my ultimate doubtbuster.  When I start to think that maybe God isn’t who He says He is, or that He’s not interested in my life, or maybe that He doesn’t even exist at all, I go back to that list.  Then I am reminded that not only is God real, but He can be trusted.  When I look back at all the things He has delivered me from in my life, it reminds me that all of His promises yet to be fulfilled will be, and at exactly the right time.  This fills the gas tank of my soul to the top.  That’s the Joy of the Lord.


What I find interesting is that this joy comes immediately after doubt.  I don’t generally go to this list unless I am feeling desperate and showing the signs of faltering trust.


When I regain my perspective, though, I realize that God’s response to my laying my doubts about Him directly at His feet is not to turn me away in anger, but to fill me with joy in His presence.  Then I am ready to keep in step with Him for whatever is coming my way next.


It’s good to be around happy people, but it’s even better to be around joyful people.  Someone who has the Joy of the Lord even in difficult circumstances is someone you are going to notice.  You might find yourself thinking, “What’s wrong with that person?  He should be miserable right now!”


A better question might be, “What’s RIGHT with that person?”  What you are seeing is evidence of the Lord at work in the life of someone who has chosen joy.


(Come back for Part 5–Run the Race)


Overcoming the World: Part 10–Be Still and Know

God is our protection and our strength.  He always helps in times of trouble.  So we will not be afraid even if the earth shakes, or the mountains fall into the sea.  God says, “Be still and know that I am God.  I will be praised in all the nations;
I will be praised throughout the earth.
  The Lord All-Powerful is with us; the God of Jacob is our defender.  (Psalm 46: 1-2, 10-11 NCV)

(Originally published March 15, 2017.)

Been an interesting few months, hasn’t it?  Our nation is as divided as it has been in a century and a half. This is taking a toll on our families too.  Truth is nowhere to be found in our government, our media or our culture.  This has created an atmosphere of distrust so thick and noxious that even if this country were to somehow raise up a Truthseeker as a leader, who would even believe him or her?

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Good News!


God is still God.  It’s hard to find evidence in these troubled times that He is still on His throne.  But where else would He be?  He does not change, no matter what happens down here.  When we say that the world is “out of control,” we mean that it’s out of our control.  It is never out of His.


However difficult this truth can be to hold onto when our lives are in turmoil, we must persevere in doing so.  Whenever our way of life is threatened because of what’s going on in the world around us, we have to remember that this way of life was never meant to last anyway.  We are looking forward to life eternal that will not pass away.  For this reason, we fix our eyes and our faith on the things that don’t move.


Bad days are going to happen.  Sometimes we will have seasons of life that could last months or years when we don’t feel God’s presence.  We may doubt His goodness, or even His existence.  However, whenever I find myself in such a spiritual funk, I always come back to what Peter said to Jesus in John 6:68, after Jesus asked the Twelve if they were going to desert Him, as many other disciples were doing:

“Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life.”


I couldn’t go back to my old life if I wanted to, and there have been days where I wanted to.  There are days when it just doesn’t seem worth the effort or the sacrifice that it takes to live the Christian life, because I can’t see the reward from here.  When my fear outweighs my faith, I forget what God has already done, throughout history, and in my life personally.  Some days I just want to chuck it all, but then I always find myself face to face with the question, “OK, then what?”


One thing that I have done for myself, and that I highly recommend for others, is to keep a journal of some sort listing every answer to prayer, every unexpected blessing, any time you have seen scripture fulfilled, any change in your life that can only be attributed to the power of the Holy Spirit.  Keep this in an easily accessible place.  I have mine as a document on the desktop of my computer.


When times get difficult, or if you’re just in a dry season of doubt, open that up and read it.  Satan can’t get a foothold in your mind if you keep your memories fresh of what God has done for you.  Staying in scripture every day is a good weapon, but it can be even more effective to regularly make the personal connection of where you’ve seen God at work in your life and the lives of those close to you.


If you do this, expect there to be some gaps in this journal.  It is not likely that you are going to experience a bona fide miracle every day of your life.  This doesn’t mean that God’s ignoring you.  Learning to trust His timing.  A day always comes when things fall neatly into place, and you can look back and see the progress that led to that point.  You very rarely notice that progress while it’s happening, though.  So when it does, put that in your journal with a note of thanksgiving and praise that God was in control of the situation from the very beginning.  Remember, He can see the end of things long before you get there.


It is also critical to remember that God doesn’t always ride in and “save us” whenever we think we need saving.  Sometimes, He lets us go through things for reasons that we aren’t aware of yet.  Sometimes we never learn why in this life.  If we have faith that all of our questions will be answered in heaven, that can help our outlook somewhat.  Remember, God doesn’t come around to our way of thinking; therefore, we must do our best to learn His.


The only way to conquer fear is to practice faith.  It has to be exercised just like our bodies.  If you are one of the many who has bought a health club membership, but not lost any weight or inches off your midsection, then you already know that your situation might improve if you actually went to the health club.  Owning the membership doesn’t create actual change.  Owning a Bible without reading it has the same effect.  Knowing about the power of prayer without actually praying—ditto.


In the same way, we must keep renewing our minds by reminding ourselves constantly that God does not change.  He does not move.  He is with us and He is for us.  And He always will be.


Be still, and know that.

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Overcoming the World: Part 6–Internal to Eternal


But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…  Therefore we do not lose heart.  Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.  (2 Corinthians 4:7, 16-18 NIV)


Life can really wear you out sometimes, can’t it?  We work so hard to try to better ourselves and to make the world a better place for our families, but some days, it just looks like we aren’t making a difference at all.  It’s enough to make you wonder if it’s really worth the effort.


What is it that wears us out when the problems of the world overwhelm us?  Everyone’s situation is different, of course.  It seems to me, though, that the things that often trouble us the most usually aren’t even happening to us directly.  The problems that are too much for us to bear weren’t even supposed to be our own personal burdens.  We barely have enough strength to get through the trials that life hands us, but we can’t seem to keep from taking on extra baggage as well.  Why do we do this?


Can we just call this what it is?  It’s fear.


It’s fear that gives birth to worry.  You worry when you seeing angry mobs rioting on the news, but is there an angry mob outside your house right now?  (Of course, if there IS an angry mob outside your house, you have an actual problem, and should stop reading this blog and go take care of yourself.)

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My point is that we worry ourselves into exhaustion and despondency about things that aren’t even happening where we are.  Yes, they are happening in the world, and they are real, but if we’re not in a position to directly solve the problem, it’s not our problem.


Now please don’t misunderstand what I mean by “not our problem.”  I am not saying that we shouldn’t be concerned about things in the world that are wrong and need fixing.  What I am saying is that 99.99% of the time, it’s not up to us to fix it, either because we lack the resources, the ability, or we are simply too far away to have a direct and immediate impact on the situation.


So what can we do?  We can give the situation over to the One who can do something about it.  And while we’re at it, we can give Him our anxieties as well.

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Yes, the world is a mess.  It’s a mess because it has people in it, and people are a mess.  And yes, you and I are people, so guess what?  We’re a mess too!  But we can be less messy.


A good way to start that process is to examine what you expose your mind to.  How do you start your day?  If you’re turning on the TV or rushing to social media, that’s what’s going to set your tone for the rest of the day.  Is that the tone you want?  In the same amount of time, you could meditate on a Bible verse or an inspirational quote of some sort.  You can’t control what happens out in the world, but you can control what goes into your head, which is what feeds your attitude.


Once you have developed the habit of being intentional about this, it will become easier for you to shift your perspective from the now to the not yet.  When things are going badly, it is easy for fear to rob us of hope, but remember this. EVERYTHING we fear, or could possibly fear, has an ending.  We may not be able to see it from where we’re sitting, but all the troublesome things of this world will pass.


Instead, what we can learn to do in ALL situations is to focus on the things that won’t pass away.  Truth.  Love.  The Word of God.  Best of all, the eternal life that is given as a free gift to all those who put aside their fears, worries and the troubles of this world and trust in Jesus, who by His death and resurrection, has overcome all of them.

Now of course, we can’t see any of this.  We can’t see our fear, the Lord’s Spirit, the actual physical Kingdom of Heaven.  We only see this world, its problems, and our own aging faces in the mirror.


But as the risen Christ told Thomas, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

(Come Back for Part 7: Up There)